Thursday, January 15, 2009

No Other Gods

The other book I finished reading yesterday is No Other Gods by Kelly Minter. I decided to do the Member Book for a more active approach, and I liked the way the study is split up in days (I did about 2 'days' a day on average though).

I really liked the book, although I do think that at times it was a bit repetitive. But overall it was very good, and it helped me to take a look at what the 'idols' are in my life. My biggest one would be this computer I'm on all the time. And it's not easy giving it up, even part of it! But I have to keep reminding myself that God has better things in store for me than the things I clutter my life with. I have to make room for Him, even if it's just by taking baby steps. I need to start by cutting out small things and filling the voids with God. Because when it comes down to it, He is all I will ever need!

Here's a song for you to enjoy, I made a little video with lyrics to go with it.


  1. The book sounds interesting, it's going to my list of books to buy!
