Friday, January 30, 2009


After reading Gina's post about friends, I was inspired to write a little something about friends.

Most of you who know me 'in real life', know that my husband Cary says he doesn't need friends. He says they always let you down in the end. And I understand where he's coming from. I too have been disappointed by friends, and I'm sure most of you have too. But I have come to realize that the problem lies not with those friends, but with me! My friends are human, like me, and not perfect. Instead of putting my hope and trust in them, first I need to put my hope and trust in the only perfect Friend anyone can ever have: Jesus! He will never let me down! Psalm 118:8 says "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man." It doesn't say that we shouldn't trust our friends, but it's better to trust God first. My earthly friends will never be able to meet my needs, because that's not what they are here for. But the Lord will always meet my needs.

When I first moved to Texas, almost 4 years ago, I didn't know anyone here besides my husband. I was desperate for some friends! And when I finally found some friends, I ended up losing them! I was hurt and disappointed, why would God give me friends and then take them away? But I have come to realize that if I had put my hope and trust in God above all else, I wouldn't have been hurt or disappointed. I would have understood that sometimes God puts friends in my life for a reason and a season, but he never means for them to replace Him.
I believe He gives us friends so we can learn from them and help them, and most of all serve Him together! I also believe that we never really 'lose' Christian friends, because even though they may move away, not keep in touch, or something else, there's always eternity!

What a friend we have in Jesus - Alan Jackson

One last thought: "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13). Jesus loved us so much, that He gave His life for us! Most of us will never have to die for a friend, or have a friend die for us. But I think that 'lay down your life' can also mean taking a break from your own busy life to help out a friend. It can mean sacrificing time or money and giving it to a friend who needs it. Even when it's not convenient, when you're really busy or having trouble making ends meet. If more friends would 'lay down their life" for each other in this way, the world would be a better place!


  1. I have found through the years that my closest friend through the years is my Saviour. I love this song. It was one of my father's favorites and one day while he was preaching many, many years ago, his own father accepted the Lord. He sat through so many of my father's sermons, but only surrendered after hearing this song played for the altar call. Seems we all need a friend like this. Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Thank you Irma for this post. It has uplifted me! =)
