Thursday, January 15, 2009

How To Listen To God

I finished reading 2 books yesterday. The first one is How To Listen To God by Charles F. Stanley. I only recently 'discovered' Charles Stanley and I think he is really good. I loved this little book, it really made me realize that God still speaks to people - to me! - in a very personal way! It made me realize that I need to take the term 'quiet time' literally and find some time during the day (read: during Gabriel's nap) when I can come before Him and listen to what He wants to say to me. I like the way 1 Kings 19:11-13 illustrates this. God doesn't speak to Elijah in the storm, in the earthquake or in the fire. He spoke to Elijah in a gentle whisper. The Lord doesn't shout to me. He whispers. And it's easy for His voice to be buried under the noises of every day life. Or even under the sound of my own voice.

I really like these lines from MercyMe's Word Of God Speak:

The last thing I need is to be heard,
but to hear what You would say.

Often when I pray, it's more like summing up my wish list. God, please keep us safe, provide us with all we need, forgive us our sins. I may sneak a few praises and thankyous in there, but what it comes down to is that it's me talking to God, not with God. I need to learn how to really have a 2-way conversation with the Almighty. Isn't it awesome that He wants to have a one-on-one, personal conversation with us? Lord, please help me to listen to You voice!

All that I need
is to be with You
And in the quiet
hear Your voice.

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