Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Love You

Yesterday my 2-year-old Gabriel said the words that every mother can't wait to hear: "I love you"! Okay, I admit it sounded more like "Fi fove fou", but he doesn't need to say it in a perfect way for my heart to melt! And he may not understand the full meaning of the word 'love' yet, but to hear him say it anyway makes my heart overflow!

I think God feels the same way about us. He can't wait to hear us say "I love You". We don't need to say it in a perfect way, and we don't have to understand the full meaning of 'love'. We can say it anyway, every time we think of Him. Just say - or think, or sing - "I love You" and His heart will overflow with love for us! I love You, Lord!


  1. Aww, it's so adorable that Gabriel said that! :)

  2. That's adorable. I have this piece of paper where my daughter wrote those words on it. I use it as a bookmark and it reminds of when my 16-year-old was a sweet little thing and thought the world of me...which will one day happen again!

  3. That's a great story and a memoroy that will grow in value with the years. Thank you for sharing your family with us.

  4. Oh my gosh Irma!!!!!! I totally adore your website!!! Today is the first day i have visited and i have been listening to your music all day. The songs are so beautiful. Your site and music have really helped me make it through the day. You see i left 2 cd's at home that are my inspirational cd's and they help me make it through the days in this negative and stressful environment. God has saved the day through YOU!!!! Thank you. Your words in this blog have given me peace and inspiration, so have the songs and so have the pictures.
