Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rubber Band

When I watched Gabriel play with this rubber band earlier today, it reminded me of something I thought about this weekend. I was thinking how our connection with God is like a rubber band. We're stuck to Him and He won't let us go. But, like a rubber band, this connection can be 'stretchy' and we're not always as close to Him as we would like. Sometimes we try to pull away from him. But the harder we pull, the further we get away from Him, the stronger we feel the pull of that connection to Him. And when we end up in a place like that, far away from Him, and don't know how to get back to Him...all we have to do is LET GO, stop resisting, and we will bounce right back to Him! If you don't know how to get closer to the Lord, just put it all in his hands. He loves you and will never let you go!

PS. I don't usually let Gabriel play with rubber bands ;) Not only are they not safe, but he'll EAT them too, he loves to eat rubber!


  1. I love this analogy, Irma!! And Gabriel, well too cute! God has always been faithful to not let me wander too far! He really is an awesome shepherd! This silly sheep sure needs Him!! :o)


  2. Irma this made so much sense to me. I need to let go. Thank you.

  3. Loves to eat rubber?? Love the way you connected the rubber band to our relationship with God. Beautiful! Enjoy your day!!!
