Thursday, February 5, 2009

On My Way To You

I am listening to this song while cooking dinner and it made me think about how being a Christian is a constant journey. I've you've ever been on a long trip, you know that it can be fun, but it can be hard as well. There are lots of beautiful sights on the way, and great experiences. But sometimes it can be very uncomfortable and no fun at all. Eventually you may get tired of traveling and start wondering "Are we ever going to get there?". But keeping the destination in mind makes it all worth it.

Life as a Christian can be just like this. There are a lot of wonderful things to see and experience. But sometimes life can be very uncomfortable or even painful. We get tired and start wondering "Are we ever going to get there?". In the end, this life is just like a trip. But it's a trip with a wonderful destination: eternal life with our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ!

So whenever we're feeling down or depressed, just keep this in mind: this life is not what it's about. This is only the trip! And God has given us the perfect map to help us reach this destination: the Bible! So if you ever feel lost, you know where to go...


  1. What a beautiful post to read first thing this morning! Thanks for the encouraging words and song. Will remember next time my "journey" gets hard that this is not my final destination...I'm heading for a much better place!!! Enjoy your day!!!
