Wednesday, August 17, 2011

After 2 years and 4 months....

...I'm going to try and start blogging again! I updated the design today and hope to officially start posting again soon.

What's new with our family? Well, Gabriel is now 4.5 years old and we recently started homeschool Kindergarten. Cary is still busy with his swimming pool company, right now just trying to get through the ridiculously hot Summer! I finally got my driver's license 4 months ago and have been enjoying my new found freedom. We also found a new church home (Legacy Bible Church in Sherman, TX) and we love it! Here is a recent picture of the 3 of us:

Stay tuned for more...!


  1. Yay, your back! I, like you, left Cafemom and I am an avid facebook user now because my entire family is on it so I can share pictures of the kids with them. Oh and guess what? I'm due with baby #5 now! I remember you were amazed that I was able to handle 4 kids, now I'm adding a second little girl finally! My oldest just turned 10 in July! Glad to see you back!

  2. Irma,

    It is nice to hear an update from you. It sounds like you are doing well. I cannot believe how Gabriel has grown! I also love the blog's design.
