Monday, April 6, 2009

Baby Chicks!

We finally have some baby chicks again! We bought these chicks for kids to play with at the Easter Egg Hunt last Saturday. Don't worry, the blue and the purple chick will eventually grow up to be normal-colored chickens!

Yesterday we found a baby chick in one of our nestboxes. Two hens had been sitting on some eggs for a while. We rescued it (because the big chickens can be mean!) and put it in a box in our kitchen (for now). Gabriel absolutely loves it and is constantly trying to play with it and giggling all the time.

I named the chick 'Sunny', because it was born (hatched) on Sunday, and it matches the names of my other 2 pet chickens, Buddy and Lucky.

Typing chick!

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  1. That blue chick is a smurf!!!! I never seen a blue chick before. Hope the blue and purple chickies will be okay!

  2. Those chicks are so precious! I miss having baby chicks. <3 Can't wait to see pictures are they grow.

  3. I have never seen a blue chick like that! How adorable!! Thanks for the pictures!

  4. They are so cute!One day I'd love to have chikens (and chicks). I must difficult not to keep cuddling them <3

  5. That is so cute. A typing chicken. I'll have to show my daughter that one. She wants chickens so bad, but the old HOA...well, you know the story. : ) I will say that my brother's 4th grade teacher-her husband had a chicken hatchery, and one year for Easter they dyed baby chicks and gave them away to the class. Little Chick (thought not for long) became quite the pesky big rooster-we had to take a broom out to do chores as he would chase us and try to peck our shins. I think we must've reminded him of someone he knew, or something. Blessings Irma!
